About the team
TetraKit Technologies has assembled a highly experienced team to develop next generation radiopharmaceuticals and bring them into the market. We are constantly looking out for new team members that bring complementary skills into our company.

Andreas Jensen, PhD
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Andreas I. Jensen is a radiopharmaceutical chemist with 14 years of experience in the field. He studied pharmacy at the University of Copenhagen and entered the PhD program at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) with a focus on radiochemistry and biomedical nanotechnology. Obtaining his PhD degree in 2012 he continued as research scientist at DTU and in 2017 was promoted to senior research scientist. In 2020, he received a Sapere Aude starting grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research and started an independent research group with a focus on drug delivery strategies for radionuclide therapy and theranostics. Apart from academic research, he has developed radiolabeling procedures and formulations for radiopharmaceuticals intended for clinical use, including GMP production and industry collaborations. His current profile combines applied academic research with commercial and pre-commercial innovation.

Matthias Herth, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
Dr. Matthias Herth is a radiopharmaceutical chemist with 18 years of experience in the field. He has translated several PET tracers from bench to bedside. Dr. Herth received his Ph.D. in 2009 at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany) and started in a postdoc position at the Copenhagen University Hospital in the same year. In 2015, Dr. Herth became Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen. He now leads a research group, within which the TetraKit radiolabeling platform was developed. Dr. Herth obtained multiple grants and awards in his academic career, including the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellowship and the prestigious Wiley Young Chemist Award. In 2021, he was offered a Full Professorship at the University of Magdeburg (Germany). Dr. Herth is also a consultant for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and obtained a degree in business administration in 2010.

Umberto Battisti, PhD
Chief Operations Officer
Dr. Umberto Battisti has a decennial experience in organic chemistry and in medicinal chemistry. From 2018 to 2022, he worked as an Assistant professor at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry of the University of Copenhagen, with a focus on bioorthogonal chemistry for in vivo PET imaging probes. In this role, he was involved in developing the chemistry necessary for the development of the TetraKit labeling technology. Before moving to Copenhagen, he worked at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and at Virginia Commonwealth University (USA) as a senior researcher in medicinal chemistry. Dr. Battisti obtained his Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy), where he also worked for 3 years as a postdoc. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed papers and reviews and he is a co-inventor on 4 patents.

Christian Poulie, PhD
Director of Chemistry
Dr. Christian Poulie is an expert in organic chemistry and medicinal chemistry. He started working as a postdoc at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry of the University of Copenhagen in 2018. In this position, he has contributed to the development of the TetraKit labeling platform using his expertise in bioorthogonal click chemistry, in particular the tetrazine ligation. His other professional interest is the radiochemistry of alpha-emitting isotopes such as astatine-211. Dr. Poulie obtained his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) in 2017. In 2017-2018, he developed novel catalysts for organic transformations at Lund University (Sweden), whereafter he returned to the University of Copenhagen. He has published over 15 peer-reviewed papers and reviews and he is a co-inventor on 4 patents

Vladimir Shalgunov, PhD
Director of Radiochemistry